Monday, June 30, 2008

Productive Day, Wasted Day

It started out promising, it really did!

Snuffles came home from PT and I was ready to go. Today was the day to "in-process" me and make me an entity here at Osan. We did a lot of running around, enrolling me in the BIDS system (which means that I am approved to be here), applying for my ration card (necessary in order to shop in the commissary and BX), getting my A-3 Visa and SOFA stamp, registering me for medical, updating finance so that we get the OHA at the with-dependent rate. Still a few more things to do such as gas mask and driver's license stuff, but we decided to have some lunch in the BX food court and head home.

That was the productive part.

The hurry to get home was because the bottled water delivery guy is scheduled to come today to set up our water cooler. Obviously, drinking the tap water is ill advised. He was due here at 1:00 PM.

Here is the wasted part. It is now 4:00 PM and still no water guy! So I have wasted an entire day sitting here waiting for him to come (Snuffles had to go to work for the afternoon). I'm not very happy about that because I had some errands to run downtown. Now I will have to do those this evening but I was really looking forward to being on my own for a bit to explore downtown.

Oh well, we need to go downtown anyways so I can get my cell phone finally. It's silly how dependent I've become on having that all important phone! LOL!

While I waited, I did some straightening up and some more work in the garden, pruning away. I'm starting to see some progress! I need to pick up a rake downtown to clear out the dead leaves and apricots on the ground. Then I want to get a bunch of plant pots and flowering plants to enhance our courtyard.

Ooo! A big orange tomcat in the courtyard!! That makes two different cats I've seen out there. I am appeased in my desire for a cat by having strays to ooo and ahhh at.

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