Friday, June 13, 2008

The Art of Moving: Day 3

Up and at 'em, dressed and ready yet again by 8:00 AM. Let me tell you, I am completely exhausted by now! Add to that, a bad arthritis day with my spine and neck feeling like they were on fire.

Different moving company for the items to be put into storage. Although two arrived at 9:00 AM, Jean and Randy, Randy left soon after. Apparently he was just dropping Jean off and helping bring up the packing supplies.

Jean got right to work but I did notice that she was constantly on her cell phone. With a 15 year old and an 11 year old at home with no school (summer time), I guess I can understand. The kids called quite often!

Jean did a good job packing and worked steadily. I felt bad when I realized it was 1:00 and I had yet to offer lunch!! No problem; I dashed next door to Rudy's for some of their fabulous brisket and BBQ sauce and she and I enjoyed lunch and a little chatter.

About 3:00, three or four guys joined Jean and took on the loading of the packed boxes. As hot and humid as it was outside, I didn't hear a lot of complaining about it.

They completely finished up just around 6:00 PM and off they went to stash the rest of our belongings in a warehouse somewhere. See you again in two or three years, stuff!!

By now, there wasn't much left in the carolinkorea department store, so there was no shopping in there. However, and I honestly can't be sure, but I have reason to believe that Jean helped herself to my bottle of Aleve. The last I knew, it was in the kitchen but when I went to get some for my very painful back, I couldn't find the bottle. I don't recall moving the bottle, but if I did, I'll find it again and I will apologize on this post, just to be honest with my readers. I didn't say anything to Jean about it; I really can't prove it for sure.

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