Monday, June 9, 2008

Checking In

Snuffles has arrived safely in the Land of the Morning Calm! I got a quick yahoo! IM from him saying he was there and he was going to sleep and to let his mom know.

After a long rough 24 hours, I'm feeling refreshed and renewed. In order to get Snuffles to the airport at 4:30 AM, I had stayed up all night. So from 9:00 AM on Saturday until midnight Sunday night, I was awake!! Not particularly coherent, but awake. I slept very well last night so I'm ready to keep pressing on.

I'm just tying up all the loose ends in terms of getting our belongings together for the packers. Don't get me wrong, I love a military move because someone else does all the packing and schlepping. But it does drive me a bit batty (no comments from the peanut gallery, thank you!) to have piles of stuff just laying around rather than being able to pack them myself into neat, tidy boxes. Sealed boxes I can tolerate, piles of stuff - not so much.

My wonderful friend Stephanie from up at Ft. Hood is going to come down and stay overnight on Wednesday so I am looking forward to that. Hopefully, the packers will have everything packed and loaded on Wednesday night and not have to finish up on Thursday so I can enjoy a nice leisurely visit with Steph, but we will work around whatever the situation is. I have a few bottles of wine that should be consumed so I am certain we will have fun one way or another.

Today I need to call TMO and find out if the movers are permitted to pack and ship glass bottles of barbeque sauce. You Texas people will know what I am talking about - Rudy's is right next door to me and I could almost cry to think of spending two or three years with no Rudy's "sause" to sustain me!! Good gracious, that stuff is fabulous!!!

Enough procrastinating; I am off to wrap this mess up and call it done.

1 comment:

Missy Ann said...

Glass bottles is a big fat NEGATIVE! Sorry, the only way they pack glass is if it's empty. I don't think I was able to have anything liquid moved.